The department’s mission is to continually protect and preserve lives and property through quality education, prevention, and rapid emergency response.

Photo by Rich Halvorsen
The department’s mission is to continually protect and preserve lives and property through quality education, prevention, and rapid emergency response.
Photo by Rich Halvorsen
10609 South Shore Drive
Medicine Lake, MN 55441
Phone: (763) 542-9701
Fax: (763) 746-0142
Email: [email protected]
9-1-1 Emergency Line
Interested in joining or just seeing us in action? Visitors are welcome, call (763) 542-9701 for training dates.
Attend any of our meetings! Click here for upcoming dates & times. Or, call us (City Hall) at: 763-542-9701.
The Fire Department does not recommend specific manufacturers. We do recommend that electrical smoke alarms be hard wired and U.L. listed.
Between each sleeping area and the remainder of the building. Where a sleeping area is served by a hallway, install the detector in the hall. Install the detector on or near the ceiling in accordance with the manufacturers’ installation instructions.
Clean the unit with a vacuum cleaner brush. Dust particles can and often do set off false alarms. The unit may need to be relocated. It could be too close to the kitchen, bathroom, heat register or it could be defective and need to be replaced. Consult the installation instructions. Smoke detectors become over-sensitive with age and may need replacing.
The problem is usually a weak or improper battery. Replace with a fresh battery as recommended by the manufacturer or replace with 110 volt hard-wired smoke detector.
Many older model smoke detectors have no test button. If your smoke detector is ten years old or older, consider replacing it.
The recommended extinguisher for home use is a “Dry Chemical” type, rated at least 1A-10BC. This information is listed on the extinguisher’s label.
Store your extinguisher away from the stove, near the exit from the kitchen. Mount the extinguisher on the bracket that is supplied with the extinguisher. In your workshop, mount the extinguisher near the exit.
CAUTION: Never put yourself or anyone else in jeopardy by trying to extinguish a fire which may be too large . . . sound an alarm to other occupants, leave the building, closing all doors behind you. Call the Fire Department (9-1-1). Go to your designated meeting place and wait for the Firefighters to arrive. NEVER GO BACK INTO A BURNING BUILDING!
No. Dry chemical extinguishers are usually filled with mono ammonium phosphate. This is a nontoxic substance; however, large amounts of this powder in the air can cause breathing difficulties. Leave the area after discharging a dry chemical fire extinguisher. Call the Fire Department (9-1-1) to ensure that the fire is completely extinguished.
After each use, or if the gauge shows a loss of pressure.
First! Call the Fire Department immediately! (9-1-1)… always follow manufacturers’ instructions as listed on the extinguisher. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Operate the extinguisher in an upright position. Remove the safety pin. Aim at the base of the fire from the distance recommended by the manufacturer. Squeeze the handle using a sweeping motion.
Refer to the “Yellow Pages” of the phone directory for servicing companies. Most hardware outlets and discount stores (Target, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, etc.) have extinguishers for sale which are suitable for home use.
All propane tanks should be stored outside or in a detached shed, protected from the elements and at least 10 feet from any openings to the building (basement windows, doors, vents).
Take all expired propane tanks back to an outlet that refills them. Do not keep them around your home or garage and do not include them with your regular refuse pick up. Natrogas will dispose of the tanks. Natrogas, 3900 Washington Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 612 529-9276. THERE IS A FEE!!!!!!
YES! All recreational fires require a burning permit within the City of Medicine Lake. Each permit is valid only for the year in which it is issued and there is no permit fee. The burning permit is valid only on the property it is issued for.
What are the requirements?
The City of Medicine Lake Fire Department has the following apparatus, as well as one of our first trucks, a 1946 Diamond T.:
Engine 12 - 1978 General Fire Pumper